Our quote for Part 2 of of the conversation with the delightful Will Allen perfectly sums up one of the key resources that Will has brought to the table for all of us to partake
in— “Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is in itself, an act of communion.” By Bell Hooks.
Will’s documentary Holy Hell has been just such a tool for healing, for so many—Which in itself, and collectively, has functioned as an ‘act of communion.’ This film has allowed an endless number of trauma survivors to feel validation and clarity,

Our quote for Part 2 of of the conversation with the delightful Will Allen perfectly sums up one of the key resources that Will has brought to the table for all of us to partake in— “Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is in itself, an act of communion.” By Bell Hooks.
Will’s documentary Holy Hell has been just such a tool for healing, for so many—Which in itself, and collectively, has functioned as an ‘act of communion.’ This film has allowed an endless number of trauma survivors to feel validation and clarity, by exposing the powerfully insidious nature of manipulative/indoctrinational and abusive relationships.
But this episode is named Holy HEAVEN, as Will is also a powerful example of making it to the other side of his cultic experience with his compassion, brilliance, creativity, and humanity not only intact, but wearing it like a badge of honor…as we all should!
People like Will are helping to “normalize trauma recovery,” and strengthening the ever growing community of survivors! Conversing & communing with him was pure joy. Thank you Will Allen for providing all of us a timeless piece of your heart through your Holy Hell film—But equally as important, for sharing with us how you reclaimed your life and reinvented your passions! You truly are a beacon of hope, and a slice of Holy Heaven! So thrilled to have you as part of the WhaTheFlok family!