We think you’re really going to enjoy the treat in store for you with Ep 18—the first part of our two episodes with the incomparable Will Allen—Creator, Producer, Director (“everythinger”) of one of our favorite documentaries about indoctrination and cultic relationships, titled Holy Hell.
If you have not seen this documentary, we strongly recommend it to be on your ‘must watch’ list! Chele remembers watching Holy Hell, and it being one of the crystallizing moments when she realized that the indoctrination process has distinct markers, or a formula to it.

We think you’re really going to enjoy the treat in store for you with Ep 18—the first part of our two episodes with the incomparable Will Allen—Creator, Producer, Director (“everythinger”) of one of our favorite documentaries about indoctrination and cultic relationships, titled Holy Hell.
If you have not seen this documentary, we strongly recommend it to be on your ‘must watch’ list! Chele remembers watching Holy Hell, and it being one of the crystallizing moments when she realized that the indoctrination process has distinct markers, or a formula to it.
It doesn’t matter what cult or abusive relationship you’ve been in—the mind control, centered in coercion and suppressed critical thinking is shockingly similar! “Same party, different costume.”
Will does such a spectacular job of highlighting this, with all of the original video footage that he had filmed and archived during his decades inside of the Buddahfield cult. Because of all of this footage, we get to peer into the very soul of this cult, and the cult leader—The way Will put this film together was compelling and groundbreaking—Seeing all the real time faces of the innocent members of the group was heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time! We’ve talked to so many people who said that this particular documentary was an ‘Aha’ moment for them! Bravo Will! Can’t wait to see what Will Allen has in store for us next!