
episode 4 nixie

Episode 4 | Butterfly Makers | Guest Nixie

In this episode, Chele brings in her best friend Nixie (which is a fictitious name to protect her identity). Nixie didn’t want to be filmed and wears a hat and glasses. And you’ll have to listen in, to understand the butterfly references. Together...

Episode 2 Betsy Chasse

Episode 2 | What The Bleep!? | Guest Betsy Chasse

We interview the no holds barred Betsy Chasse, who is the writer, director, and producer of What the Bleep (and keen cult sniffer-outter). Find out more about Betsy here! We interview the no holds barred Betsy Chasse, who is the writer, director...

Episode 1 | Origin Stories

Welcome to our inaugural episode! Nobody ever sets out to join a cult, but cultic relationships are lurking everywhere! You might think that this could never happen to you, but we’ve all been affected at some point by a controlling or abusive group...